Refer your friends and family and earn credit in sharing!
如果閣下曾在holle.com.hk購物, 並推薦親友成功在holle.com.hk購物滿$500, 閣下可獲現金獎賞HK$100。
1) 推薦親友到holle.com.hk購物滿HK$500
2) 把以下親友購物資料電郵到 info@hago-group.com
3) 本司以電郵回覆閣下優惠券編號
4) 閣下於下次購物結帳時輸入優惠券編號, 便可獲扣減HK$100
Existing customers can receive a HK$100 cash reward for every successful referral of friends to shop on this website.
If you have shopped at holle.com.hk before and refer friends to shop at holle.com.hk for over $500, you will receive a cash rebate for HK$100.
1) Refer friends and family to shop at holle.com.hk for over HK$500
2) Email the following information of your friend’s order to info@hago-group.com
-Invoice number
-Name of your friends
-Purchase date
3) We will send you a coupon code via email
4) Enter the coupon code at checkout next time you shop and you can get HK$100 off
*Each friend can only be referred once to enjoy this reward.